Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 95 (1st Grade)

Friday. I love Fridays!!! I woke up and got the kids ready. Roberto brought his dinosaur presentation board to school that we made last year for his 100 days of school project.  He also brought one of his favorite dinosaur reference books and 2 of his dinosaur figures (Pachycephalosaurus & a T-Rex).  He went to super excited!!! While he was gone I was able to pull off some mommy time...a well needed gift to myself.  Then when Roberto got home he told me all about his dinosaur day at school.  He said that his teacher didn't have enough time to have all the kids show their dinosaur items.  When he told me this I became really worried that he had brought all this special stuff and wasn't able to show it.  Then with a sigh of relief Roberto told me that he WAS able to show his dinosaur stuff!!! He told me about some of the dinosaur stuff that the other kids had brought.  Two of the kids in his class brought dinosaurs that he actually has at home (Pinocosaurus & Allosaurus).  He told them that he had the same dinosaurs and the kids thought that it was cool.  Roberto told me that another kid in his class had some type of robotic T-Rex which he thought was cool and told the kid that he had a robot Raptor.  Roberto, as it turns out, was the only one in his class with a dinosaur shirt!!! (Which was rather shocking that no other boys had one and Roberto has like 4 dinosaur shirts!!!) One kid brought in a stuffed T-Rex which is cute because she was a little girl.  (Roberto gladly shared that he too had a stuffed T-Rex as well as a stuffed Brachiosaurus.)  There was one little girl; however, that made me feel a little bad for her...she only brought in a piece of paper with a question written on it that said, "Do you like dinosaurs?" I don't think I would ever be so lame as to send my kid to school with something like that!!! It's just sad verging on pathetic.  Roberto said that when it came to his turn he was able to show his two dinosaurs one of which no one had (Pachycephalosaurus)!!! Then he showed his book and was able to flip through some of the pages to show the kids his awesome book.  And last, but not least Roberto showed his dinosaur presentation board.  When he opened it up and showed the class everyone was completely blown away!!! The kids couldn't stop oohing and aahing!!!  The kids were so amped by his board that they kept asking of which was how many dinosaurs do you have on that board?  Roberto told them that there were 100 dinosaurs...they were completely amazed.  His teacher allowed his to randomly read 25 dinosaurs from his board which always makes his super proud.  All in all he had a great day at school and the class made these cute Stegosaurus hats.  After we talked about his day we ran out to do some shopping before coming up to visit our families for the weekend.  We closed the fun day with dinner at Hardees and playing in the snow in their parking lot.  Then back home to settle down and get ready for bed.

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