Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 12 (1st Grade)

Do this morning started at 6:19...I keep thinking really? really? really? Hoping that someday in the not so distant future this would eventually change. However, knowing my luck and my kids and the fact that I have this horrid gene from my dad that once I'm awake I'm awake for good. So with this ever haunting glimpse of my reality staring at me with this grin I just can't help but wanna smack I dealt with this mornings problem. I, of course, could not leave Mr. Mischief with Senor Gigglepants!!! So splitting is the norm for the early mornings and as usual Sam had to after potty time we both went back to bed only to lay there for half an hour with Sam fussing because he didn't have enough room and me trying to cough out a lung because the sickies have moved into my chest...bronchiotis here I come. So I finally got fed up and said screw it to trying to regain my sleep and rest and we all got up. Boys ready + Mommy ready + still can't breath + 2 kids who are semi sick = still feeling like nothing has gotten accomplished!!! So with that mindset I approached the rest of the morning activities that awaited me: breakfast for Sam, small snack for Roberto (who was having some kind of knock-off McGriddle thing for breakfast at school), vitamins and meds for me and Roberto, trying to get Beto going, throwing up because I took vitamins and meds on an empty stomach, recomposing myself to keep the kids calm, then loading everyone including Beto into the car. We dropped off Roberto and then headed to Hardees (for my awesome breakfast) and then to Burger King (for Beto's breakfast & sharing with Sam). Then off to the DMV to get registration and plates for my work truck. Next we headed to Urbana for a 10 o'clock work meeting that I had (the meeting lasted like 20 minutes, but I had to stay the equivalent of 2 hours to get paid). While I was at work Beto and Sam went to a park and had loads of fun. Afterwards, we went home for lunch and a lil relaxing before we had Roberto. As I am writing this we are prepping to get ready to go get Roberto. Then off we go up north to sign a records transfer from our old doctor and then dinner at Cheezer's with my family...all before we head back for the night because Roberto has school and I have work tomorrow. Ttyl til tomorrow.

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