Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 27 (1st Grade)

Monday...okay so if you are confused it's ok. Roberto's school was not in session on Friday due to parent/teacher conferences...and good thing too because Roberto woke up Friday morning saying that his stomach hurt. So after I sent Beto downstairs to grab a bucket I took Roberto to the bathroom to see if he had to "blast a dookie" and gave him the bucket to hold in case nausea arose and tried to explode from his mouth...yes that means puking. Needless to say out both ends it came. Then after clean up we divided the kids and had Roberto stay in the bedroom eating plain Cheerios and drinking Gatorade. He threw up one more time after eating some and then was good. He regained his normal self and his bowels starting trying to regain some composure. So when Saturday rolled around he was good and we went up to visit with our folks and returned home on Sunday night. This is what brings us to Monday. So as a precautionary measure I had Roberto eat a plain breakfast at home and then had him attend school. When he returned home he said he felt fine all day and that his lunch...which was cheesy scalloped potatoes with ham...was very yummy. And if you know Roberto this was a big shock to me...he really doesn't like potatoes very much. So after we picked him up we went and got some groceries at Walmart and then came home for dinner. While Roberto was doing his homework I looked at his papers from school...come to find out that this week is his week to be student for the week!!! This means that this week he gets to be interviewed by his class and teacher and then on either Wednesday or Friday he can bring in a special show and tell that shows something about him. He is super excited!!! Oh and as a special note...Beto let me sleep in til 11:30 while he took care of the kids!!! He's so freakin' awesome!!!

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