Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 17 (1st Grade)

Woke up sometime very in the morning with my little Sammie tapping my head and telling me that he can't sleep upstairs anymore because it was too scary. I have no idea what the issue was that made him wake up (maybe a bad's the only thing that makes any sense), but all I know is that Sam ended up downstairs with us. So...I didn't wake up Beto because of all the help he's already done for me...I let Sam sleep on the air matress with me and shockingly he fell right to sleep!!! Wow!!! He usually takes forever to fall back to sleep!!! However, due to my mommy generosity I woke up a few times because Sam sleeps like me and likes to cuddle next to who he sleeps with. So then 7 rolled around and we all got up and ready for the day. Beto took Roberto to school and went to the store to pick up milk and orange while he was gone me and Sam had some fun bonding time. Then Beto got home and we watched a few shows and started watching Surrogates. Then 3 o'clock rolled around and Beto picked up Roberto. Right now Sam and Roberto are playing with all their Hot Wheels cars while we are watching the movie. I have been limping around the house today to work on putting weight on my ankle...slowly, but surely I will be back to my walking self!!!

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