Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 13 (1st Grade)

So Day 13 totally happened without any of my mommy interaction, input, or butting-in. I had to work...waking up at 4:45 to get myself ready for work was not how I had wanted Day 13 to be. I got up and started getting ready upstairs and then headed downstairs to eat breakfast and pack up my cooler for work. While I was downstairs getting ready to eat breakfast I heard a little voice groan a little, "Mommy?" I, being mommy and having this same occurance happen to me before, knew immediately that it was Sam. So I went over to the stairs and saw him trying to shake off the just woke up sleepies and all I could do was smile and say, "Oh, Sam why are you up so early?" He didn't seem quite sure himself as to why he was awake, but he did know that he didnt want to go back to sleep and unless I was going to go back to bed with him I knew that there was no chance that he would ever go back to sleep. So being me I had him come downstairs and scooped him up just as he was almost down. So Sam and me had some special early morning time while I got ready for work. Then I had to leave so unfornately I had to wake up Beto to supervise Sam who was happily watching NickJr and eating his breakfast of Cheerios. So kissing them both goodbye and telling Beto a huge thank you for getting up extra early I headed to work. I arrived to find tons of coupon books and park district advertisement booklets that needed to be delivered!!! Holy cow!!! Both of them on the same day!!! Needless to say I was busy!!! Beto took care of school prep and delivery, watching Sam, and then pick up and supervising the crazies, along with dinner (while I was driving home). I came home to hugs and kisses and a yummy dinner. As a special bonus I got a chocolate cupcake with whipped frosting from work and brought it home for the boys to share (Roberto was allowed to eat the whole thing due to Sam not eating dinner nicely). So then after dinner it was time to get the kids ready for bed along with me to get my butt to bed because I had to work Saturday as well!!!

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